The Easter holidays are underway! If you're trying to save money, you might be spending more time at home. But even that doesn't come for free.
The combined cost of TVs, gaming consoles, extra heating, and lighting can add almost £100 to family energy bills over the two weeks – that's 30% more than last year. However, there are things you can do to ease your Easter energy costs.
Start by rethinking your home heating. Most people adjust theirs according to the weather. But it’s very easy to forget to change it when the weather warms up, especially if it's on an automatic timer. Loop users who turned their heating off by mid-April used 10% less gas than those who kept it on.
With wasted energy accounting for 30% of the average energy bill, take some time to understand your Phantom Load - the energy used by appliances left on or on standby.
Understanding the running costs of your appliances and changing the way you use them can lead to big savings, as can hunting out the things you've switched on and forgotten about.
Get the whole family involved in your energy-saving actions! Kids big and small can make excellent energy-saving heroes, by turning off lights and devices when they are not using them. Here are some other useful tips and resources to teach young ones about the importance of saving energy.